David-Olivier Weinmann - Software for Windows dowdow.free.fr - www.dowsoft.fr |
Gdow 1.0 is a highly configurable Gmail* notifier for Windows (all vers., including Vista (compatibility mode) and Windows 7). It can notify you with a classic messsage box, a popup balloon (on Windows XP, Vista and 7) or a transparent animated form. The latter is fully configurable : - background color - font (color,size,type, etc..) - width - maximum height (the form will autoadjust its height, if max height is reached the notify message will autoscroll) - transparency Gdow runs in the background and is managed through a system tray icon that is expressive : - number of new gmails - Gdow's checking state - Gdow's error state Since 07/20/2006 update, Gmail "for your domain" is fully supported. Since 06/23/2009 update, proxy (with authentication) is supported. Check the screenshots here for more information. Check the included features and help file here. Download Gdow 1.0 : here (french version here) (spanish version http://hispanicoweb.net) Gdow is free and has been downloaded 21035 times on this website ! Rewiews : - http://www.forest.impress.co.jp (in japanese, english translation by Google : here) - http://www.softonic.com (in spanish) - http://en.softonic.com/ * Gmail = Webmail service of Google Updated 08/02/2009 : - solved : erratic connection solved by updating to Indy 10 and OpenSSL 0.9.8k Updated 06/23/2009 : - added : proxy support (with authentication). Updated 10/28/2008 : - solved : date and time error in some timezone. Updated 01/04/2007 : - added : an option that lets you choose between default browser, default email client and an other application to browse the inbox. Updated 09/18/2006 : - solved : a date error due to the the atom feed expression of the midnight hour as 24:00:00 and not 0:00:00 - some ameliorations in html decoding of the notification. Updated 09/14/2006 : - solved : a "List index out of bounds (20)" error that happened in case of more than 20 unread Gmails ; only the 20 latest unread Gmails are notified (due to atom feed limitation), now a popup hint appears in case of more than 20 unread Gmails. Updated 07/27/2006 : - solved : it was necessary to add '@name_of_your_domain' to the username in the username field if a domain was used (now just enter the username) - solved : a date error reported to happen in some cases (the responsible function is not anymore used) - still some ameliorations to avoid losing Gdow's control (see last update), should be quite OK now ! Updated 07/20/2006 : - added "Change domain" option to be fully compatible with "Gmail for your domain" (previous versions were only compatible for notification) - some ameliorations to avoid losing Gdow's control if the animated form appears when one or more information boxes (help, about,...) or/and the right click menu is open - solved : the "Startup with Windows" option was cleared even if "No" was answered to the clear settings confirmation. Updated 04/29/2006 : This version corrects a bug (2 necessary .dll files were not created in Gdow's folder) that made last version unusable (permanent connexion error), very sorry for the disturbance. You can now take advantage of all new features announced in last version. Updated 04/26/2006 : - (for programmers) changed wininet to indy , this one appeared more reliable and is independant of Internet Explorer - solved : the settings pannel appeared briefly when opening the inbox through the system tray icon menu - added 2 ways to open the inbox : double click on the system tray icon and right click on the animated form. Updated 03/25/2006 : - "username and/or password" error has been renamed "unusable datas" error (that is more correct) - the program now continues to run after this renamed error - this error is now notified (like the connexion error) only if the "Notify Errors with a Popup Balloon" option is checked. Updated 02/23/2006 : - Solved : program stops after a connection error. Updated 02/21/2006 : - Solved : error with the "Do not Renotify Unread Mails" option in case of multiple messages thread. |